HOME > 団体の予約受付

Reservations for groups

It is recommended that those visiting in groups make their reservations with the reservation form ahead of time as it makes the distributing of tickets at the window go smoothly.
Making reservations is recommended as there are discounts for groups of fifteen people or more!
There are discounted group fares for groups of fifteen people or more. The tickets for discounted group fares are distributed at the window but not available at the ticket vending machines at train stations. Making advanced reservations makes the process at the window go very smoothly.

Making reservations

Please click to send the reservation form after filling in the necessary items. You will receive an automatic confirmation email message. Please note that you will not receive the message if you enter a wrong email address or your junk mail settings are configured to refuse it.


  • * Group fares are for groups of fifteen people or more.
  • * Making advanced reservations makes the process go very smoothly on the day of your arrival. However, there is no priority boarding.
  • * Please be sure to fill in the items labeled Necessary "*".
  • * You will not receive the email message if there are any mistakes such as typos in your email address. Please enter your telephone or FAX number if you do not mind as this is how we will contact you in this case.
    Please also enter a telephone number that we can contact you with, on the day of your visit in order to confirm your reservation.
  • * Please note that we are not accepting reservations for the Owakudani Station Restaurant.

Reservation acceptance period

Reservations are accepted until three days before the day you would like to visit. Reservations can also be made over the phone by those who wish to visit the following day or those who are in a hurry.
Weekdays TEL: 0465-32-2205 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays TEL: 0460-84-8438 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

Reservation completed

You will be sent an automatic reservation confirmation email message after your application. If you do not receive the return email message, this may indicate a delivery error so we ask that you to contact us at 0465-32-2205 (weekdays from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). We apologies for the inconvenience.

Changes/cancellations of reservations

There are no cancellation fees.
Please contact us by phone if you would like to change or cancel your reservation.
TEL: 0465-32-2205 (weekdays from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

On days of reservations

乗車年月日 Date (YYYY/MM/DD)
乗車時間 Time
※Fill in the approximate time (you will arrive).
出発駅、到着駅 Departure & Arrival
出発駅  From
到着駅 To
出発駅、到着駅  Departure & Arrival

折り返し駅 Return
団体名 Group Name
※Please enter your company’s official name. Errors may occur when using special characters such as ㈱、㈳、㈳.
※Errors may occur when using punctuation marks such as commas and periods. Please use spaces to separate text.
斡旋業者(取扱旅行会社)有無 Travel Agent
Are you a travel agent?
斡旋業者名(取扱旅行会社名) Company Name
※ Please enter your company’s official name. Errors may occur when using special characters such as ㈱、㈶、㈳.
当日の添乗員の有無 One-day tour guide
斡旋業社住所 Company Address
代表者 お名前 Contact Person お名前  Name
フリガナ Name (Re-type)
電話番号 Contact Numbers
※Please provide a number which we can contact you on the day of boarding.
固定電話 Phone - -
携帯電話 Cellphone - -
海外の電話番号 International Number
メールアドレス Email Address
※An automated confirmation email will be sent to this address.
メールアドレス(再入力) Email Address (Re-type)
※Please retype your email address to confirm it is spelled correctly.
An e-mail confirming your reservation will be sent to the e-mail address you enter. Please make sure your e-mail address is correct.
ご利用人数 Number of Passengers
※Please enter zero for none.
おとな(中学生以上)Adult (Jr. high school age and over) 
こどもChild(Primary school age)
15名以上のグループは、添乗員(旅行業者)原則1名、エスコート1名が無賃扱いになります。 また、ガイド・通訳は原則有料となります。
A tour conductor (travel agent) and an escort are free of charge in principle and case, its group including 15 or more than people. And interpreter and tour guide are charge in principle.
お客様の居住国/地域 Customer's Current Country/Region of Residence
※Please select a country/region where customers are currently residing.
支払方法 payment
※船車券を選択の場合は会社名をご記入ください。*If selecting ferry ticket, please enter the company name.
Please enter any questions you may have concerning group reservations. A staff member will send you a reply at a later date.
See here for details on "The Handling of Personal Information" on our website.

■The following people may not be allowed to be on board of the ropeway, between Sounzan Station and Ubako Station as the effects of the volcanic gas may be life-threatening. All Hakone Ropeway services may be suspended due to the concentration of volcanic gas.

  • Those with allergic asthma
  • Those with bronchial diseases
  • Those with respiratory (pulmonary) diseases
  • Those with heart diseases
  • Those with pacemakers
  • Those with poor physical health

There is also a risk of even small amounts of volcanic gas setting off asthmatic attacks in hypersensitive visitors (including pregnant women, newborn babies, and small children) as well as people who suffer from allergies, and the elderly. Therefore, we urge you to carefully consider your trip and choosing not to use the ropeway if it is appropriate to do so.

  • This site has a VeriSign Secure Server ID. Information in online reservations is protected with an advanced security system via SSL encrypted communications.



Copyright © Hakone Ropeway Co.,Ltd.all rights reserved.